A long time ago in a beach town far far away......

A young jedi must learn to conquer his own fears, doubts, and the use of computers, to overcome the tyranny of the advancing Empire. Though powerful the darkside may be, neither the strength nor determination of a young jedi should be underestimated.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hey look at that, I did it!

Friends, family, and starwars nerds who accidentally found my blog, welcome! This is my blog and it is my attempt at being more accessible to the people whom I love. Graduation is around the corner and I hope that this blog will keep everyone up-to-date on all graduation festivities. I also aim to keep everyone up to date on what I'm up to as I embark on what promises to be a crazy year. Hopefully downtime between studying will go into putting together thoughtful, entertaining, informative, and interesting blog posts rather than watching youtube or Hulu videos.You may have noticed that I am on facebook but rarely use it and I think twitter is a little riducuous. Perhaps this blog will be a better format for me to stay connected with everyone, perhaps it will end up being almost like a journal for me. In any case if you can keep up with me on this blog next time we do get a chance to talk I can find out about you. (Kelley Neu Neu Imma talkin to you). Plus if I havent caught up with you in a while we'll have lots to talk about next time I see you. Please leave comments as you see fit to let me know people other than my fellow blogger Carolyn are reading it. And dont worry I promise not to continue with the starwars analogies and references (sorry random starwars nerds). I realize that probably not many people will actually read any of this so theres isnt much chance of the blog becoming massively self-important. Ok theres the deal, Hope you all follow my blog religously its a manual to live by but for now this jedi is engaging in hyper space and taking the Millenium Falcon for a spin around the moons of Endor, may the force be with you! Oops sorry wont happen again.


  1. I will follow this blog religiously and it will certainly be a manual by which I'll live my life. Thank you for your pearls of wisdom, may the force be with you, and may you bring that Millenium Falcon back safely!

  2. I will follow as well. Yours too Carolyn! One thing I love more then journaling, is reading other's journals. By the way, I love the pics Matt! I can't help but smile when I look at them .

  3. LOVE the blog...not just cuz i am mom...i will also follow religiously and i have always known the force was with you son!!!

  4. yeah yeah pretty soon we'll be seeing you on e news and tmz now that you have taken the first steps of your own blog. don't go insulting fergie in public forums, and try to avoid will i am at coktail parties and you should be just fine.
