A long time ago in a beach town far far away......

A young jedi must learn to conquer his own fears, doubts, and the use of computers, to overcome the tyranny of the advancing Empire. Though powerful the darkside may be, neither the strength nor determination of a young jedi should be underestimated.

Friday, February 4, 2011

NYC!! Part I

As I looked out over the snow-capped high-rises and sleek sky-scrappers of New York City that seemed to stretch out infinitely I found myself unexpectedly moved. For a brief moment I felt a welling up in my throat. Standing atop the Empire state building was something I knew I wanted to do. After all,who wouldn't enjoy a 360 degree view of one the greatest cities in human history from 86 floors up. It should be on the top of a long list of things to do in NYC but what I didn't realize was the being there in that moment was something to do on a short list of life-time experiences. I thought of all the people I knew that had never seen this incredible sight, and those who never will. Those who know me know I'm not the biggest urban guy and tend to seek beauty in nature rather than human construction. Choosing a hike over a museum any time. But this was different. For me this view was no less impressive than the impossible rock formations of Arches National Park or the vast wilderness of Yosemite. To attempt to wrap your head around what you see before you: How can so many people live in this space and still function day to day? I can't imagine the amount of blood, sweat, and tears that went into each of the literally countless buildings jutting up to the sky before me. Each one unique in its structure, style, color, and era of birth. I could not tear my eyes away. In fact after nearly twenty minutes of staring in awe I had to move inside the observatory because I hadn't realized by nose was turning purple due to the cold. Soon has I warmed up Carolyn and I were back outside for more. Friends and family I beg you come here and see this, it will move you. I still don't fully understand my emotion in the moment but I think it comes from both an overwhelming sense of privilege and joy to have been fortunate to be here and see this with Carolyn. I was sad for those people of the world who either never make it here or have no desire to. You really ought to see it. The pictures don't do it justice but are none the less impressive.

Check-in soon for part II of our trip to NYC and for pete's sake leave me a comment, I like them


  1. Hey bub!! I totally agree and hope to be able to go to a lot of the awesome places you've been with your friends and carolyn. You took some awesome pictures!! -mal

  2. great pics great story, love ya son and carolyn
