A long time ago in a beach town far far away......

A young jedi must learn to conquer his own fears, doubts, and the use of computers, to overcome the tyranny of the advancing Empire. Though powerful the darkside may be, neither the strength nor determination of a young jedi should be underestimated.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Check it!

In the weeks after Milton's tragic passing decisions had to be made. After some deliberation and a lot of research we decided on a brand new Ford Focus Hatchback. It gets super good gas mileage, it was relatively affordable, and we both thought it looked pretty sexy. We had the unfortunate experience of dealing with the numb-nuts at Perry Ford in Santa Barbara but in the end we got a good deal. This was the first big purchase for Carolyn or I and I am proud of our negotiating skills. We even walked away from a deal at one point because it was just outside our price range. We got a great interest rate (2.79%), the exact color we wanted, and even got cruise control installed for way less than stickered price. I cant tell you how happy I am to finally be driving around in what feels like an adult vehicle. For far too many years I have driven old beater cars without radios, power lock or widows, AC and four functional doors. Even though this Focus is a pretty base model it feels like a luxury car to me. Finally, I feel like a full fledged adult in an adult car. I also feel like an adult because Carolyn and I applied for a loan together, opened a joint bank account, and have signed up to make car payments for 6 years. Help me name the new car by voting in the poll or suggesting a better name.


  1. I'm surprised no one commented yet! It is a damn sexy car, isn't it?!

  2. I love the new car. I think a good name is Luke or obi wan or papa smirf lol.
